
Get to know the material of the future

Assembly and installation of the WPC decking
How is the installation process?

Naturally, the proper assembly of the composite decking matters. It is therefore advisable to choose an installation firm which has been trained for the particular decking system. That, however, does not mean that a skilled handyman could not lay the decking down when using the assembly manual. We can cut the material to required length in our factory so you don’t have to pay for the cuttings you don’t need.

What to look out for when installing the WPC decking
Preparation of the subsurface

These are the recommended types of subsurface: a sufficiently graded concrete slab, compacted gravel-sand bed, ideally with concrete supports (such as kerbs), a graded waterproofing (consult with the waterproofing supplier), metal or timber support structures. 

Make sure the subsurface enables water to drain away. The carrier and decking planks made of composite wood must not be permanently immersed in water. The subsurface must be sufficiently stable to prevent it from sinking over time. The air gap between the board undersurface and the subsurface must be at least 30 mm throughout for ventilation purposes. If using a 25 mm aluminium joist (AL – joist 25), water drainage and ventilation of the decking area must be enabled by supporting the joist with, for example, 3 mm levelling pads. 

What to look out for when installing the WPC decking
Before the actual installation

Store the composite boards on a flat surface, sufficiently supported (to prevent them from, say, sagging) and turned face down (to prevent them from being exposed to sunlight). Rain does not affect this material; however, if you are planning to install the boards later on in the future, it is better to cover them with a waterproof tarpaulin. 

When handling the boards, please bear their length and higher weight in mind. Check that the boards and strips supplied are the same colour.

For larger and more complex decking, have a laying plan prepared before you start laying, showing the setup and length of boards and joists. Each segment of the decking board (even the short pieces) must be supported by at least three joists.

What to look out for when installing the WPC decking

During the installation

Try to avoid soiling and scratching the boards of the already laid decking with improperly placed tools, building material etc. This will save you time with subsequent cleaning. When marking the cuts, use a pencil or a marker which can be easily removed from the surface afterwards.

If there are longer time intervals between laying of different parts of the decking, allow for subsequent colour difference between those parts which may even out during the entire time of the decking maturing. 

     The Terafest® joists are freely laid on the subsurface with the groove up, smooth side down. They do not need to be anchored or embedded in the concrete. The maximum distance (gap) between the joists (A), Fig. 2, is shown in Tab. 1. When combining several board profiles with different spacing of the joists, the lower value is always chosen. Never exceed the shown values, otherwise no claim can be accepted. 

Leave an expansion gap of min. 10 mm between two adjacent joists and an expansion and ventilation gap (C) of at least 10 mm between the joist and the wall or another firm barrier (see Fig. 2 and Tab. 2). Use levelling pads or rectification pedestals to compensate for any height differences under the joists. 

The unsupported part of the Terafest® 50×50 joist can be at most 300 mm long. Overhangs without support may be at most 50 mm long. The unsupported part of the lowered joist Terafest® 50×30 can be at most 150 mm long. The overhangs without support may be at most 30 mm long.  

Whenever possible, cut the joists to required length only before laying the last row of boards.   

Composite boards usually require no grading, however, grading them slightly at 1 cm per 1 meter of length improves the self-cleaning effect, the decking dries quicker and the occurrence of water dusts spots is reduced.

The shapeability of our composite is one of its unquestionable advantages. As opposed to the WPC materials which contain, for instance, PVC, the Terafest® boards can be bent by heat. This proves to be a great advantage, for example, for pool decks which are circular or drop-shaped.

What to look out for when installing the WPC decking
Following the installation

Once you have completed the decking, we recommend washing the entire decking with sufficient amount of water and/or to brush off the most resistant soiling. Always brush away in the direction of the boards.

The overall colour tone of the decking is also affected by the direction in which you lay the boards. The boards are sanded during the manufacturing in order to expose and strengthen the wood fibres. Unless the boards are laid in the same direction, the boards of the same colour can visually appear darker or lighter in shade. This effect disappears over time. For easy orientation, the direction of laying is indicated with an embossed arrow on the underside of the boards.